Jul 29, 2016 | Amigurumi, Blog, Crochet, Finished Project, Pattern
Are you having trouble catching yourself a Pikachu in the wild? Grab a hook and some yarn and crochet your own with this free Pikachu crochet pattern! Make sure you check out my other patterns as well for my other Pokemon crochet designs! Materials: yellow (A),...
Mar 15, 2016 | Amigurumi, Blog, Crochet, Pattern
It’s getting close to Easter season! I always get egg-stremely egg-cited for the egg-scuse to egg-sersise egg-ceptionally egg-stravagant egg puns! Go ahead, egg me on! Okay, no more yolks. 🙂 To celebrate Easter, amigurumi-style, you can crochet up this little...
Feb 16, 2016 | Amigurumi, Blog, Crochet, Pattern
The original Pokemon Red and Blue games are being released on Nintendo’s 3DS eShop later this month to celebrate Pokemon’s 20 year anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been that long since I played Blue for the first time, picking my new Squirtle...
Aug 6, 2015 | Amigurumi, Blog, Crochet
I taught myself how to crochet three years ago out of necessity. The necessity being that I needed a finishing touch for a Halloween costume. It is no surprise to anybody that knows me that I love Pokémon. And it is also no surprise to anybody that knows me that, at...
Jun 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
I have been crocheting amigurumi for a few years now but up until now, I don’t feel like I’ve been documenting and keeping track of my projects particularly well. I post pictures of my finished projects regularly on Instagram (@sirpurlgrey) but my design...